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What's with all the reveiws on HC?


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Originally posted by Wilbo26

I don't see how having less people hit the site is good for them...

how many threads have been started regarding the CantSearch function? and how many folks keep replying? seems like theres been little slowdown in traffic, just lots more bitching.


the reviews are working just fine for me.

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Originally posted by L6Sguy

how many threads have been started regarding the CantSearch function? and how many folks keep replying?


Yeah they need to get on that...I've been able to find most things just using google but a lot of people seem to be google impaired.

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Originally posted by Wilbo26

Yeah they need to get on that...I've been able to find most things just using google but a lot of people seem to be google impaired.

i count myself amongst them, but then, most of what i ever used the search function for was to see what i priced stuff at in the prior weeks spam-thread.

something seems a bit fishy about it though --- like, if you cant search, you'll start a new thread about productX, which'll generate traffic again, yada yada yada.

i'm suspicious by nature, but that doesnt mean these MF'ers arent up to something. :mad:

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Originally posted by L6Sguy

i count myself amongst them, but then, most of what i ever used the search function for was to see what i priced stuff at in the prior weeks spam-thread.

something seems a bit fishy about it though --- like, if you cant search, you'll start a new thread about productX, which'll generate traffic again, yada yada yada.

i'm suspicious by nature, but that doesnt mean these MF'ers arent up to something.

Haha maybe...but considering the other problems that have plagued it I think they're just being cheap on bandwidth and/or the techie people running the servers don't know what they're doing.

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Originally posted by Wilbo26

Haha maybe...but considering the other problems that have plagued it I think they're just being cheap on bandwidth and/or the techie people running the servers don't know what they're doing.




quite likely.


as long as i can refer to 'em as MF'ers though..........



there seems to have been an influx of new forumites here since they started running the full-page ads in the catalogs though. maybe they just werent ready for the traffic.


or maybe their IT department is too busy trolling HC to generate more hits......


job security, y'know?

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Originally posted by L6Sguy

quite likely.

as long as i can refer to 'em as MF'ers though..........

there seems to have been an influx of new forumites here since they started running the full-page ads in the catalogs though. maybe they just werent ready for the traffic.

or maybe their IT department is too busy trolling HC to generate more hits......

job security, y'know?



Haha maybe so...who knows. I do think those ads were a little un-necessary as this place tends to fuel more GAS for stuff MF doesn't even carry...but its their call. I bet those types end up in OJ or GJ anyways...

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Originally posted by Wilbo26

Haha maybe so...who knows. I do think those ads were a little un-necessary as this place tends to fuel more GAS for stuff MF doesn't even carry...but its their call. I bet those types end up in OJ or GJ anyways...

i have a feeling many of the folks in OJ/GJ arent even musicians at all. :mad:

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