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info about EH Holy Grail


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i want a reverb pedal, so i'm thinking of the EH Holy Grail. i've read that it can be problematic, but i s'pose it's a risk i might end up taking.


anyone with significant experiences with this stompbox? good/bad?


also, i'm thinking of powering this with the voodoo lab pp2+ (output 5,6 which can provide 200mA). however, according to andreas' power list, the Holy Grail requires 225mA. i've emailed voodoo lab and they claim that the pp2+ will power the HG quite safely (outputs 5 or 6). www.stompin-ground.com also claim that this is safe. anyone here actually does this, and not have long-term damage to the pp2+ or the HG?



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Actually, the HG does not draw 500mA - that's just the max rating on the E-H adapter that comes with the pedal. It has indeed been measured to draw 225mA (not by me, though), so in theory the PP2+ shouldn't be able to power it properly. However, if Voodoo Lab says it can be done, it means they have tested it and feel confident about it. If anyone should know, it's them... :D


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my holiest is brilliant. i think it sounds pretty cool. i used to have the first holy grail and swapped it for the holiest.
The xpression pedal is killer. I use a Vibroking and prefer the holiest reverb over the tube one...
so... umm... it's good.
oh yeah and i've had no problems.

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maybe things are getting a little brighter! indeed the voodoo lab rep says it can be done safely.

Originally posted by jonny starky

my holiest is brilliant. i think it sounds pretty cool. i used to have the first holy grail and swapped it for the holiest.

The xpression pedal is killer. I use a Vibroking and prefer the holiest reverb over the tube one...

so... umm... it's good.

oh yeah and i've had no problems.

when you say you've no problems, you mean you power it with the pp2+?


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Kicks the clangy Boss in its little tank ass.

'build quality not that great' ought to pop up automatically with each mention of an EHX pedal. I've now broken TWO of their pedals, and I never break ANYTHING (and I'm not counting the broken tube in my Wiggler that occurred because of a drunken Capn). Still, though, if you want that good a reverb tone in stompbox form for as cheap as that, it's the way to go. I've never considered getting rid of mine yet.

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does anyone see any problems running it from a dunlop brick type pedal?

the max output of that is 500ma...
i have a few other pedals probably reaching 100ma, no more than 150ma

would it be ok to run the holy grail off that power supply?
is there any way to measure it somehow?

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i've had problems with mine. it does sound amazing but it suddenly died for no reason.

after digging it out of storage, and a little research, i found that if you unplug it from the wall, put it on the hall setting, max the knob out, plug in the little power jack, THEN plug it in, it magically comes back to life. there are a few different versions of this fix floating around, basically different variations of secret codes like "spring, then plug, then max the knob, then plug it into power..."

so yeah... tempermental little beast. i think the build quality is fine. little thin but hey.

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oh yeah, original reason i posted...

mine died today...

i dunno why but it stopped any signal oing through it on or off, red light lit up but only really week signal, after romoving every pedal and testing every pedal and patch cord i finally found it was the holy grail (last in chain of course :rolleyes: )

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Originally posted by TweedBassman

i've had problems with mine. it does sound amazing but it suddenly died for no reason.

after digging it out of storage, and a little research, i found that if you unplug it from the wall, put it on the hall setting, max the knob out, plug in the little power jack, THEN plug it in, it magically comes back to life. there are a few different versions of this fix floating around, basically different variations of secret codes like "spring, then plug, then max the knob, then plug it into power..."

so yeah... tempermental little beast. i think the build quality is fine. little thin but hey.

geez sounds like that thing has got attitude. in a bad way. :D

anyone else with experience powering the holy grail with the pp2+ or any other psu? it'll be a bother to have to power it with a seperate adapter. cheers

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Originally posted by JDandCoke

does anyone see any problems running it from a dunlop brick type pedal?

the max output of that is 500ma...

i have a few other pedals probably reaching 100ma, no more than 150ma

would it be ok to run the holy grail off that power supply?

is there any way to measure it somehow?

If the HG actually uses 500mA (which is weird, since it has repeatedly been measured to use 225mA), it can't be done. The Brick has a 375mA total capacity on the 9vDC jacks, so if your pedals combined use more than that, it won't work.



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