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Women = The Anti-Christ


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Why wouldi ask a girl for her number.


She voluntarily gives it.


And I hadn't a clue how old she was. But i still got it.


SO a few hours later i procede to send her a text message asking her how old she was. Just to make sure i was in the clear..


Well at the bottom of the text in a sub message it says "I love Chuck"




Why give your number to some random guy, and have a bf.. Like wtf. Completely misleading a human.. This is another statistic in why i do not pick up women..!



They always have some lame excuse..

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What ever happened to that one girl you met at the jam/party thing? You know, the one from that other blog post you made...Yeah, I know that doesn't narrow it down...


(seriously though, the LJ posts don't really bother me. A lot of the OT threads are like that.)

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Maybe it's her dildo? You'll never be able to compete with that. :D

or she's in love win my avatar. :D

Have I missed something or have I not seen his other girl threads? I'm always available for threads about my horrible dealings with women. It's midnight on saturday and I'm here alone and sick. :(

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When i was younger I got a lot of what i thought were "mixed signals" from girls. Hell, I still do, they just all come from my wife.

maybe she thought you were a crack dealer!

Or, maybe chuck is bi, and she's trying to fulfill one of his fantasies.

Or, maybe she's a lez, and when she said chuck, she meant chicks.

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Most of the women I've known have been sexually abused and molested at children in some way...

...it explains why there are so many nutty ones I'd suggest.

Finding a good one is a bit like finding the 'Holy Grail', but you do attract what you put out, so have a good look at yourself first.:thu:

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Originally posted by 4Kenoath

Most of the women I've known have been sexually abused and molested at children in some way...

...it explains why there are so many nutty ones I'd suggest.

Let's see, what/who is the common denominator here?

hmm... :p

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Originally posted by i51423

Straight up. You're making us youngin's look bad. Chill out with the Livejournal-esqe posts please.

Thanks, babe.

Sorry. Well then i will Just keep my thoughts to myself..

(I guess I will see how long that lasts):freak:

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Originally posted by DADGADammit

ok, they'r all {censored}ed up... thats the first rule



sorry but bad idea (just letting you know, i've done it too)

ha If, theyre underage theyll just lie and if they're older theyll just say theyre younger! :o

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