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ehx lpb-1


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Aside from the Little Big Muff and DE-7 I just got (for a steal of a price!), the LPB-1 is my next purchase. I think I'm actually going to have 2; 1 to boost random OD/fuzz pedals, and 1 to boost my signal at the end of my chain. For $40 shipped you can't beat it.

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Originally posted by lostandfoundpdx

i am gonna put my pickup booster at the end of the chain the next time i am down at practice and see how i like it. its at the front right now.



As of right now, I'm only running a tuner and trem, with a SD Pickup Booster at the end, and it cooks the tubes so nicely. I love it. Gives a really warm Replacements-esque tone.

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