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just ordered a BYOC beaver...


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I was convinced by the thread about it earlier in the week...so i ordered one. I've never done anything like this before but im pretty technically inclined. im excited about learning how to do this so i can start doing my own mods etc.


I also just got a CE2 which is freakin awesome and my CS3 should arrive today :D


time to go buy a soldering iron....

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Originally posted by vigor&kandor

your on a slippery slope, it is all down hill form here. You might get hooked and start modding everything you see! i True bypassed my cat and gave him a better bass response. Its not an easy habit to kick.



Yup. It's a fun hobby, but it's addictive, and it leaves you with less time to actually play guitar, ironically. Plus with cats that make strange, bassy noises.

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