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which speaker replacement for a classic 30?


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i have my c30 stock since i got it.

now i'm buying an 2w tube amp kit and have to opportunity to buy also a speaker with discount, but only 10" or 12" celestions.

the kit will go in an old unused ss combo where only an 8" speaker fits so i thought i could upgrade my classic 30 instead with this offer.


the c30 manual says 8 or 16ohm but its a bit confusing, is the internal speaker 8 ohm and external needs to be 16? i don't have the amp at home so can only look to the inside now.


would you buy a g12-t or a vintage 30, or would a g12-h also be sufficient enough?


if i don't use this offer which other speaker would you suggest?

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I tried several different Celestions in mine and ended staying with the Vintage 30. I've been playing it for 3 years with zero complaints. IMO, it was the best overall sounding speaker for what the amp can do. It chimed up the cleans just enough and added some rock grit to the dirty channel. I was very happy with the tone... but to each his own.

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I have a G12H-80 in mine and its alright, but i think itsa better suited for a sealed cab so im gonna put a vintage 30 in it so thats what i would say to go with.

And its a 16ohm speaker and 16ohm ext cab also. Unless you never are gonna use an extension speaker and then im pretty sure you can go with an 8 ohm in there

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