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Finished the BYOC Beaver....WOW


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Hey guys. So, to all those who have NEVER soldered or done anything with a circuit board...dont be afraid to try this!!


I bought a USA muff about a month ago and simply couldnt stand it...then i started bidding on the green russian ones, but they were getting out of hand on Ebay. Luckily I found the BYOC...


The tone on this thing is incredible, its perfect. I have been trying to replicate gilmours tone lately and this absolutely nails it to a T. So much smoother and deeper than the new ones...


Id say all in all i put about 3-4 hours into the build...would hae gone a lot faster if i didnt have to copy the instruction by hand becuase i dont have a printer right now :D


I might try to post some sound clips of it in action later on... I also just got my fulltoneII which i absolutely love. they combine perfectly:D :D

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