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Is the Zoom Ultra Fuzz really the poor man's fuzz factory?


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I don't think it's too disingenuous to claim the UF-01 is "the poor man's fuzz factory."


I've have and frequently use both - they are definately not the same in terms of build and components, but the functional overlap of each pedal's sonic mayhem is pretty sizeable.


That said, the FF and the Uf-01 do part company in unique and very distintive ways. Although they are not the same, they're playing the same sport, in the same ballpark - but that's as far as I'd go.



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Neither pedal is a one-for-one substitute for the other, but to the extent that they are among the very few that do what they do, and that the Zoom is still a few bucks cheaper than a used Vexter,* I guess the "poor man's FF" tag still holds.


Like alteredsounds sez though, they're designed differently, voiced differently, operate differently, and respond differently. Both are very versatile, so there's a lot of overlap, but it's probably fair to say that the FF is more "vintage" voiced and the UF more "modern." FF is also wilder and more unpredictable - pair of germanium trannies = it really can change with the weather.


Which one I actively prefer has changed a few times and depends to some degree on application. In a live setting, I'd probably be more comfortable with the UF, but for inspirational madness the FF is pretty hard to beat.


One thing the UF won't do is make you any less curious about the FF. But that goes both ways :)



*EDIT: oops - yr in the UK, so I suspect the difference between the Zoom and a used Vexter is a bit greater than it is in the States.

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