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Pedal order (mofaux vibe)...


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Got a Mofaux vibe for Christmas.


My chain now goes:

JCM 800

Monsterpiece fuzz


Chicken Salad

Planet Waves tuner



I put the mofaux vibe where I had the chicken salad and when engaged the mofaux cuts a ton of treble making it pretty muddy sounding. Is there anywhere I can put the mofaux to make it not cut treble? If all the effects weren't velcroed down I'd try it myself. Thanks.

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No,no,no it goes first or right after your wah,comp or tuner.Also if you don't like losing high end to the effect than you need to either get another vibe unit or go w/out pedals.Every time a guitarist whose unfamiliar with pedals,picks up a new chorus unit they always have the same reaction,"It cuts my sustain!" or Why is it changing my tone set up?!" It's just an EFFECT,don't like it,turn it off.

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