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My Mosfet FD2 showed up today


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This is my first experience with the FD2, and regardless of whether or not this version is the same as the standard, it's lived up to the hype for me. I love it. Might change my mind when the honeymoon's over, but this thing through my Musicman HD130 sounds incredible.


I'm going to pick up an 18v power supply for it next week, but I wanted to make sure I get the right kind. Anyone know of another brand aside from Fulltone's model that I can use? I don't want to have to wait for it to come in the mail.

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Don't know about the power supply-just got a pedal power 2+ but I have to order a y-cord to use 18 volts so I haven't tried it yet. The Dunlop Brick does it too, I don't know about an adapter. I have the FDII but not the mosfet-which setting do you like best-mosfet or non? Can you describe the difference it makes?

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