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Anyone here use a mold spore?


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very novelty. i had one for about five or six months, if that, the ring mod is like a toy, there really isn't any tweakability to it and the wah leaves something to be desired as well. the snarling dogs stuff is very different - i guess the best way to describe their efx is they are "rough around the edges". at first the rawness of them is cool but after a while it sucks, went back to a 535Q. but yeah, if you were going for a ring mod, don't get it. i remember before snarling dogs went under the first time, musicians friend was blowing out all of their stuff. i got the moldspore for like 40$ or something ridiculous, and a few snarling dogs distortion pedals for like 20$ each maybe? no i remember, i got those for 9$ each. modded them and sold them on ebay for 55$ bucks each and sold the moldspore for like 130$. ahh good times....

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They're really edgy and nasty. The wah part is useless, doesn't add much and when used alone sounds cheap.

I wouldn't buy one, they break even after the improvments and there's no resale value on them used.

I use a Moog now.

If you want to hear the mold, I have a Youtube vid on it.

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