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new track up fellas..


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Hi all


Just wanting to know what you think of a demo we have up.


Link is in the sig - "Contrarry Cherry"


Its just an experimental/ massive attack/ groove song we wrote a few months back.


we have had it done for a while just haven't done anything with it.


At the ende there is a good sounding solo with the Fuzzfactory.


And some of the vocals are BLAH, but everything was done in about 1 take.. So yea keep that in mind. Its a little choppy on the guitar skills.. like i said 1 take..!


Thanks, let me know what you think.

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Originally posted by comfortablynumb

Groovy track, man. I loved the vocals. Solo was nice too.

Have any lyrics handy?

I do not. but i'm sure i could get them.

I didn't spell it. And i was in a rush to get to practice. We have a Professor doing a Mastering of that song. We are pretty excited to see what happens with it. There is a "Faux record label" on the campus. And they are putting together a compilation album of bands on campus, and sell them to try and raise money for somthing.. But yea. we have two songs on it. ANd that is one of them. So we are pretty excited for someone mastering the track for free.. :)

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Originally posted by lostandfoundpdx

you guys looks like little girls, hee hee.

i'm just teasin ya, cool track.



Yea. wel its only 3 of us now. Our bass player left. The goofy tall black headed guy..





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Originally posted by lostandfoundpdx

have you heard 30 seconds to mars? they arent that bad for being jared letos band.

i always think of him getting destroyed in fight club.



Yea i have their newest album. The song structure is so stupid. IT is like 2 riffs with a solo every now and then..


And the riffs are super easy.. Easy easy.. Once you learn the songs it kinda takes away from the "prettyness" of the band..


Oh and they have some pretty ugly looking members..

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