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ebay Score (I think)


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I just won an E13 Torn's Peaker plus on ebay for $100. Devi recommended it when I asked what E13 pedal would be best for Doom metal. I'm pretty chuffed with the price, the exchange rate for the pound to dollar being the best ever (thanks american economy) means I got it for less than most digitech pedals here, which I am pretty chuffed about.

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Originally posted by cabrasguitar

No in my country you would be known as a {censored}


Well, that too. I thought that was the equivalent of a prick, though. I got called fag a lot growing up, {censored} seems to be more of a catch all like {censored}. Wait, why am I discussing the semantics of Scottish slang?

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Originally posted by theweight

Well, that too. I thought that was the equivalent of a prick, though. I got called fag a lot growing up, {censored} seems to be more of a catch all like {censored}. Wait, why am I discussing the semantics of Scottish slang?


because discussing slang with a drunk scottish person can be quite funny i.e. {censored} off you gadgy {censored}er yer maw's got a rank smell comin oot o her seepy clunge

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Originally posted by theweight

I knew I was staying up for something good, now I know why.


I don't know why I am still up it's 6:45 am here but my drinking buddies passed out about an hour ago and I can;t let the rest of stoli go to waste so I'm on here an guzzilin the rest of it, really tastey actually.

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I got about an hour ago and remebered my drunk bidding/posting, I just read through this it is a sad day when you realise, how much {censored} you can talk when drunk:cry: Still pleased about the drunk bidding though a torn's peaker costs $200 here and that aint even the plus model:thu:

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