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interesting effects combos

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That was the combo I was going to say myself.

Also Wah and Trem
Trem and Trem
Trem and Panner
Phaser and Panner (with vibe like setting it cops some cool leslie-like tones)
Phaser, Trem, and Panner
Delay and Panner
Delay and Pitchshifter
Delay, Pitchshifter, and Panner

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Favorite combo on my board
Nebula into an Analogue filter. AF set with a slow filter and medium level. Nebula maxed.

Gives a Leslie water dropping effect. (different tones of the filter chopped up but in a leslie style as opposed to a tremolo)

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big muff into flanger into delay...

volume knob down, hammer on some note, turn volume knob slowly up and you get a nice whalefish sound

phaser into fast stereo delay stereo into slow delay stereo into two amps, nice u2 like sounds, depends on how you set the delays and what riffs you play over it which u2 song you imitate :)

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