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HBE Medicine Bawl Wah: in the mail, what to expect?

Cougar Hunter

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I finally caved in and decided I need a wah for lots of stuff I'm playing.


I never like wah. I always felt it was a crutch that covered weak playing (in my genre of course; hair metal)


I had a dunlp in high school, but I hated it. It never sounded very wah-ey.


it seemed like it transitioned from open to closed way too quickly.



I found a decent deal on the Homebrew medicine bawl. I said, "what the hell, I'm wasted."


so I bought it. I can't wait to try it.:D

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its a solid wah, feels a lot sturdier than a crybaby....has a couple trimpots inside for more tweaking....you'll be happy with the purchase.


since our search won't work, I've been browsing TGP. People there seem to like it too. I guess it sounds REALLY wah-ey. That's what I'm looking for.:idea:

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