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napolean, vex and me

light years

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That is an AWESOME pic. He looks as happy to be there as you do.

Two questions:

1. Did you get to hear the Box of Metal?

2. Was Ashley wearing anything immoral?



1. yes i did, i think people will dig it. scooped mids, heavy distortion.

2. if that was ashley i talked to then no. she was very nice.

3. i WAS happy to be there. i just smile like that:freak:

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check these out. a comic painted on SHO's by thier new painter......


that's pretty cool.
are all the pedals going to be part of a comic panel like that?
just the SHOs? just a limited run?

imagine all the collectors trying to "collect all 4!" :idea:

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Man that is really {censored}ing awesome. It would suck to get one without a cool part of the picture though like the top left one and the bottom right.

True, true.
It'd be (aesthetically) like ordering an animation cell, only to end up with a cell containing just an arm or a finger or something :rolleyes:

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Wow! the comic thing is super rad! Just the thing to get all the pedal nerds excited....comics and pedals...What more could you ask for!?! He knows we are nerds.

i just want to point out that my Dan Clowes avatar was added BEFORE this thread.

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I would guess they are being sold as sets and aren't really meant to be separated. It would have been much more interesting if they were sets of different pedals. For example, a 4-pedal set would have a fuzz factory, a box of rock, an ooh wah, and a ring tone.

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