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535Q cuts out. suggestions for repair?


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Hey all :wave: I'm more of a regular over in the bass forum, but i figured i'd come ask ya'll a question. I have a dunlop 535Q, new (9v) model, and it seems to like to cut out when in use and at full treble position. I read the reviews, and it is not an uncommon problem with this model, but there were no mentions of how to fix it. I've had the pedal for 3-ish years, but don't play as much guitar as bass, so it shouldn't be worn out. Is it the switch? And if it is, is it something a confessed ametuer with a soldering iron should attempt to fix? Many thanks.

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The switch might be set too high out of the enclosure. Or the treadle pads may have worn down after three years of use. Either way, same effect: when you're at the full toe position, the treadle depresses the switch too much (but not enough to make it actually switch), and you lose signal. It's easy to fix by lowering the switch a thread or two.

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