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OT Blackface Bassman question


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Does anyone have a tube chart that tells you what pre-amp tubes are what? I'm starting to get some microphonics, and I think the pre-amp tube closest to the power tubes is starting to go. Anyone know what's what on these? I'm heading out to pick up new power tubes today so I might as well pick up some pre's while I'm at it.

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the phase inverter is the one nearest the power tubes

So, it probably wouldn't be the bad apple, then, would it? I noticed it because it was glowing incredibly brightly (like power tubes before they eat it), but maybe it's one of the other 7025's that's causing the microphonics?

I wish I knew more about electronics and amplifiers. :(

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So, it probably wouldn't be the bad apple, then, would it? I noticed it because it was glowing incredibly brightly (like power tubes before they eat it), but maybe it's one of the other 7025's that's causing the microphonics?

I wish I knew more about electronics and amplifiers.



if its microphonic just turn the amp on, but leave it unplugged and lightly tap each tube with something hard/metal, i use a pencil most the time. :thu:

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