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SCOD or Blackstar?


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SCOD is not metal pedal for sure. Like it says on the tin, it's an overdrive. I get more gain out of my Vodka modded SD-1 honestly, and it ain't no metal pedal neither. Blackstar is on my list to try, and I am sure it is more metally.


Can I recommend a Tube Zone?

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I really appreciate the responses but I never said I wanted to do metal.
I don't play metal I just wanted to get comparisons and opinions on the 2 pedals.
From searches through the threads it seems the SCOD is a huge favorite around here.
I recently tried both and I really love the SCOD so I have one on the way.
Thanks again for all the help

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They are two totally different sounds. The SCOD is awesome. I know Kevin keeps saying (flyingV 83) keeps saying the Blackstar will not do metal... but most owners will disagree.



I think your clips on your website sound metally, but more classic metal. Kinda reminds me of Triumph's Spellbound, but less processed sounding...I really want to try this pedal, and will.

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They are two totally different sounds. The SCOD is awesome. I know Kevin keeps saying (flyingV 83) keeps saying the Blackstar will not do metal... but most owners will disagree.



No dissing of your pedal is meant, Brian.

I liked the Blackstar a lot, just not for what I wanted it for, which is a mid-scooped Metallica/Pantera type of sound. I agree it'll do Judas Priest-type metal in spades and don't think there's a better pedal out there for that kind of stuff. I guess my definition of "metal" isn't everyone else's.

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