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My Two Headed Monster has landed.


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What kind of sound do they have? Fuzz Face? Muff? Bender?

More Fuzz Face than Muff, I don't have a lot of knowledge on the Bender. It cleans up with my volume knob better than any fuzz pedal I have ever played. I usually have 4-5 dirt pedals on my board and I could easily ditch 'em all and just use this and a SCOD and be able to play anything that I need to.:wave:

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More Fuzz Face than Muff, I don't have a lot of knowledge on the Bender. It cleans up with my volume knob better than any fuzz pedal I have ever played. I usually have 4-5 dirt pedals on my board and I could easily ditch 'em all and just use this and a SCOD and be able to play anything that I need to.



The GAS is great right now for something Fuzz Face-ish... :( And these things are rather inexpensive, too..

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What transistors does everyone have in their NPNs? I had Richard make mine with BC108s, but I also have a pair of BC109s and a Ge NPN transistor. I've played with swapping them in & out (another bad@$$ feature of the Monsterpiece - tranny sockets!) The Ge/Si combination doesn't have the same kind of gain, but I do like it - really does cover the ground between the BC108/9 NPN and my all-Ge PNP. I have trouble describing the difference between the BC108s and BC109s. I think the 109s might be a little tighter - more focused, but maybe that's just the #s on my particular transistors. . .

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I usually have 4-5 dirt pedals on my board and I could easily ditch 'em all and just use this and a SCOD and be able to play anything that I need to.

OH yeah. The SCOD + Monsterpiece combo rocks. I wouldn't give up my BP-1 or Fy-2 as they both do stuff I can't get with the aformentioned combo, but it does cover a LOT of territory!

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Does he make one with just Ge's?



Yeah, my PNP has only Vol. & Fuzz knobs on the outside, it has the bias pot internal & both NOS Ge transistors - it's not a straight FF copy, but I think it's about as close as Richard gets. . .

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