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What's a good compressor for bass?

Lip Smackers

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So far I've been looking at the Digitech Bass Squeeze and BBE Opto Stomp. I like the idea of the BBE because of its simplicity, but who knows if it's any good with bass. Then again the Bass Squeeze has a built in cab sim.

Anyone know of any other good comps for bass?


I haven't had the pleasure BUT everyone on this board loves the Barber Tone Press so, try one of those if you can.



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I saw those, but I'd like something that can be found on eBay for a bargain if possible.

I saw someone mention the Saffron Squeeze for bass in another thread. If those are any good for bass, I'll gladly shell out for a Dynacomp and mod it!




Saffron Squeeze? That was me. Way Huge pedal. Definitely not a bargain one BUT if you do the Dynacomp one.....Could be.



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Luckily my ability with a soldering iron makes up for my inability to afford anything too expensive :D


I've seen people mention the Dynacomp with bass, but I've also heard that the release time is set more with big sustaining guitar chords in mind. What I'm after is a fat, tight bass sound.

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