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What is the general opinion of the Visual Sound H2O Chorus and Echo?


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I tried the polychorus and I don't think it's for me. All of the settings sounded either too subtle or just too crazy. I'm not a huge flange fan either. What are the usual pros and cons of the Visual Sound H2O for chorus? Also how is the Echo half? Is it worth the $170?

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No likey. Chorus is okay. Echo is lame.



Well if you want something more subtle, I guess the H2O is fine. I use my Polychorus mainly for subtle chorus, but I have to turn the knobs wayyy down, almost to zero, to get anything subtle. Which is fine by me, because in the event I ever wanna get ridiculously crazy, I can.

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yeah, it has been discussed a lot.

But I thought the concensus was that both effects were OK but there were better examples of each.

Personally, I liked how the echo was voiced. The chorus wasn't really what I got it for and it's the size of two effects.



Yea, I would definitely go for something else. It's very mediocre in my opinion. I would buy one for $30 and use it, but for more than that I would pass it up.

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I actually really liked that pedal. I'd buy a used one though, for 80, not pay 160 for it. Was my 2nd fav chorus, i've had a jc120 amp (deff my fav) an ibanez 9 series chorus (too dark) and a dod. So I don't know too much about them. but thought the h2o was nice sounding and could get into vibe territory.


The echo is the best "under the top" digital i've used. Voiced very well, just wouldn't get very loud, and got softer as repeats were turned up. More of an echo then a delay.

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Apparently I'm in the minority, because I love mine.


The Chorus is excellent, very versatile. Anything from crazy leslie-like stuff to a very subtle thickening of your tone. The echo is fine for my tastes, but I'm certainly no echo connosieur. Nice buffer, too.


Despite the avalanche of negativity, I know there are at least a few others on this forum who like it.


got mine used on ebay for $100 . . . great deal imo

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