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Keeley Modded Blues Driver back on my board.


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I've had this pedal for a few years and it never could stay on my board for very long, there was something about it I didn't like. These pedals clean up so nice when you back your guitar volume back and thats the key, Back the volume down for clean passages and dial it up for leads, I set my guitar volume on about 4 and it's nice and clean bump it up a little for more hair all the way for singing leads, great, almost like a killer amp that responds to your playing. I know that using the guitar volume is nothing new but sometimes it just takes a while to truly find how a pedal performs best. I just thought I'd share that with you all. :wave:

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I just ordered one yesterday

I hope you like it, These clean up like no pedal I've used before, I also have the Keeley modded tube screamer and it dose'nt clean up like ths Blues driver but has it's own spot on the board. Remember use your guitar volume and I think you will really like it. Good Luck.

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I've had mine for about a week now and +1 to the guitar volume advice. I can go from a no-effect/matches guitar tone at 5, to great OD at 7, and almost fuzz at 10. :thu:

This effect does it all and I may consider shelving my other dirt/fuzz boxes and just use this like a Fuzz Face. Always on and use the guitar volume to change the tone.

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