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I just sold my cot50 lil china- that was INSANE.


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I got a cot50 gold and love it so I decided to sell the cot50 lil china I had. I put it on Ebay and right away had 5 emails and a bid. It sold at my buy it now for $250 6 hours later. I got at least 15 emails. I knew I could have probably gotten more, but I just wanted what I paid and was cool and included free shipping after the fact (he asked- and it proves again, "it never hurts to ask!").

Plus its for a guy in England and for some reason I would much rather send it overseas! Spread the Lovepedal disease! I admit I really get a kick out of selling stuff out of the country. I sold my digidesign 888/24 to an Englishman! I was alive in the 70s- pre home computers! Not many livingroom international sales going on back then!

Just found that to be a wierd experience- literal frenzy.... I wanted the guy to buy it just to make it stop and make the emails go away..... :freak: I actually feel sorry for Sean now...:eek:

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