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Semaphore vs. Empress Tremelo?


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How about the Dr. Scientist Trem? Looks like it has very similar features as the Semaphore. Anyone tried one of them?

I can't find any used Semaphores anywhere!

I think Weems has one. I don't think he would sell it. He says good things about it. Hey weems, where are you??:blah:

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I wish I could offer something here because I want to know the answers also. All I know is I bought the Catalinbread Semaphore and kind of stopped my search. My only other thems were the Boss Tr-2 and the HBE Tramp. In fact I liked the Semaphore so much I bought another one. I really haven't been actively looking since. I have kind of wondered about the Pentavocal though. I don't think I would put as much value on the tap tempo thing that others want. I just don't see myself using it. I guess I need to be sold on that feature. If anyone has A/B'd any of these 4 and has some opinions I would apprecialte it. But I'm pretty sure my Semaphores will be here for awile.

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still wont get you that high, but i get your point. my main thing with tremolo is that i dont really feel it needs to match a tempo... it needs to match a feel.



Actually, the empress does it very well. As good as the fake ring mod sounds get anyway.

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If you are buying a tremolo for fake ring mod sounds why not just buy a ring mod?




because a ringmod is a tremolo with a very fast lfo sweep


when you "tune" the ringmod to say A, you're actually having the lfo going 220 cycles per second as opposed to the 1-8 with a trem


it's a matter of changing a few caps actually, so it's an easy thing to build in

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