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Effects Pedals Order, Help plz!


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I got quite a few effects pedals now and i like 'em all, so now want to nail them to a pedal board or something.


Thing is, im not sure of the order which is best to put them in? can anyone give any advice please?


my pedals are: (i wont bother listing make/model, just opens me up to ridicule heh heh)


- distortion

- phaser

- compressor

- noise reducer

- analog echo/delay


so, is there a best order to put those in, or is this type of subject 'negotiable'?




monto! :snax:

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first of all you should always experiment and don't let anyone tell you your chain is wrong. I just swapped the order of my effects after thinking I was set for a month. In the case of your effx the traditional order is compressor-->distortion-->phaser-->echo/delay Where the noise reduction goes, depends which one it is. Some go better first in line, others right after drivers/gain circuits. Phaser can also be used first inline. Compressor can also be used after distortion to bring up diff harmonies.

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