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is the postal service cool?

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Death Cab & Postal Service are great, as is most of Dntel's solo stuff. BTW - associating P.S. with Garden State is lame. That's like bringing up Simon & Garfunkel & someone says, "I hate Mike Nichols!"

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death cab and postal service are good. one complements the other: the rock and the electro pop stuff on each side.

Not recommended live (I have seen postal service live, it was the only gig I ever paid for and walked out).

But musically it is a great breath of fresh air on a sunny day.

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i can't stand them. i am totally against that whole genre of people who think garden state is the greatest movie ever

It's so true.

Recent films that I would say are some ways similar but millions of times better include -
Lost in translation,
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,

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You walked out? They were that bad?!

It's more that this kind of music is def not appropriate for live event. I don't want to watch a guy push knobs all night long. The interaction is poor. That's why for me electro bands where there is one or two person on the laptop is useless for live performances.
I can watch that on video and honestly I never would spend my time doing that...and I have easily seen a few thousands of gigs in my life.

Not fit for live stuff. I am curious how it's going to be when I see Air this friday. Now THAT is a band!:love: :love:

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+1 I really liked them, more so than death cab.. but like death cab, got a little boring after a while

I agree. I like both bands about the same but their albums only get listened to on certain occasions. It's not something I can really just play out. I guess they sound best when feeling down. :confused:

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