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New guitar instruction and tone related website

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I have been working for months on my new guitar instruction and guitar tone related website.

Check out the guitar pickup tone matrix.

I'm also working on a distortion overdrive tone matrix as well which should be online very soon.


would love any feedback or input anybody could give to make it better.






Cliff M.

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Looks good, I browsed around for a bit. The only thing I can say is some articles are below a few headings, might want tot organize that a little bit better, but other than that, great site!

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The splash page has a case of information overload. Might want to use more empty spaces to separate different sections of the page.




Are you talking about the main homepage? If so, do you think removing the two section below the logo "Latest News and Recent Articles" would address your feedback?


Cliff M.

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Maybe it's just me in my old age...


What I find annoying is multiple menus sections. You have a horizontal menu at the top of the page and a vertical menu on the left. Now which one do you use to navigate or are they for different purposes? Will they bring you to the same pages? If so, why different titles? I haven't delved deep in the website but multiple menus always annoy me.


I wouldn't remove anything but just separate things a bit more like having more white space between the left menu and the main text. Things like that...


All that being said, I really do appreciate all the hard work you put in this. I should know, having built a few websites myself. And it's hard trying to please everyone at the same time. At the end of the day, I feel the designer always has the last word so take these advices with a grain of salt...

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And put more pictures on the splash page! You're going to grab the attention instantly with pictures.




Very good input. I really appreciate it. I'm very open to feedback and dont get my feelings hurt that easy. Been around too many blocks, ya know. I can usually figure out what is relavant feedback and what is just "blah blah blah" i'm never gonna be happy with anything.


Very appreciated, thanks.

Cliff M.

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Great site.

Front page needs a little tweak to make it more user friendly. I find it too much of an info overload. Other than that i think it is cool.



Yea, I hear what you are saying. a few other people mentioned that and I starting to agree. One person said to maybe integrate more pictures into the frontpage. Still trying to figure out what to do there.


One of the biggest feedbacks was the font's were too small in the articles. I have now gone through all articles and pages and got the font sizes increased.


Hopefully that helps.


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