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OT: Day six of not smoking....anybody?


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I've made good on my Christmas present to my family so far. Haven't smoked since last thursday night, cold turkey. It's day 6 now and I'm getting terrible cravings today. Has anybody here done this or attempted and made it this far? How often do these cravings come around? {censored}....i'm dying......?:freak:

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Chop all your fingers off..... JK.... I quit a couple years ago, and I cant' really ever see myself smoking again.... I'll have a cigar on rare occasions, but cold turkey is the way to go. All those gums and patches and {censored} are crutches that lead to failure. You have to want to stop, that's all there is to it...

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Originally posted by Disturbed

Just go buy a pack ! Tell yourself it's your last pack and limit yourself to a couple per day. Or, start chewing... {censored}! Quitting is for losers.



To each his own. Personally, since I've recently become a father, I would like to prolong my life as long as possible to be here with him.

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Originally posted by exilea

To each his own. Personally, since I've recently become a father, I would like to prolong my life as long as possible to be here with him.

Thats the same reason For me Bro, Stick to the plan, your Boy deserves a father for as long as possible...,



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Originally posted by exilea

I'm about sick of gum now, lol. And i'm at work, and work is where i used to smoke the most. Its' really screwed up my routine here.




Rank your co-workers in order of who you hate the most and kill one each day until the cravings subside.



Seriously though as a frequent ex smoker (currently not smoking), I don't think the cravings ever go away completely. In my experience you're about at the end of where they are unbearable tho. You should be over the worst of it in the next day or so. Just do whatever you have to do to make it a couple more days to the weekend.


Also, recognize you're dealing with an addiction and a habit. The addiction usually subsides in three or four days. The habit lasts a LOT longer.


Good luck,



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When I quit, it was a constant craving for the entire first month, brutal. I had smoked for about 15 years, a pack a day or so, it got to the point where I could seriously feel the bad stuff building up from it, everything starting to get clogged and congested, yuck.

The major cravings went away after about three months. Weird kinda spaced out feelings in the head went away after about a year, and I finally felt like I did before I started smoking.

The people that tell you to ignore the cravings when they come, and they just go away in 15 seconds are full of {censored}, have never smoked, or some people just have a different level of addiction or cravings or something, it was VERY HARD, and the cravings were non stop for the first month.

Hot tomales helped me out, the little red candies. I ate alot of those {censored}ing things. ALOT! Heh.

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Originally posted by exilea

I've made good on my Christmas present to my family so far. Haven't smoked since last thursday night, cold turkey. It's day 6 now and I'm getting terrible cravings today. Has anybody here done this or attempted and made it this far? How often do these cravings come around? {censored}....i'm dying......?

Hang in there, bro! I quit over 6 months ago cold turkey. It does get easier. I'm like you, I love smoking but quit for the good of my family (capitulated to my wife's wishes).

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Originally posted by argonaut4

Hang in there, bro! I quit over 6 months ago cold turkey. It does get easier. I'm like you, I love smoking but quit for the good of my family (capitulated to my wife's wishes).

Thanks man, nice avatar BTW :thu:

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4 years non smoking,and i was the {censored}in' worst. I was an asshole if I had to smoke a different brand, didn't think I could ever quit. Got Nicoderm patches for Christmas. My first day I wore the patch, my cravings (physical) were gone. Everyone's different, but the patch (shockingly)flat out worked for me. And that extra $160 a month buys NOS tubes, speakers, ect.,.....:wave:

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Originally posted by exilea

To each his own. Personally, since I've recently become a father, I would like to prolong my life as long as possible to be here with him.



that and if you smoke around you kids, even on a different floor you'll still put them at risk for cancer



see cigs cause lung cancer cause' the fertilizer they use is ground from a rock which contains uranium and polonium 201


Haven't you wondered why you don't see potheads dying left and right? its not the smoke that kills, its the radioactivity

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Originally posted by exilea

I've made good on my Christmas present to my family so far. Haven't smoked since last thursday night, cold turkey. It's day 6 now and I'm getting terrible cravings today. Has anybody here done this or attempted and made it this far? How often do these cravings come around? {censored}....i'm dying......?

dude just quit, it does nothing for you...my teacher was telling a story that he still gets cravings 20 years after stopping, and he might have a smoke but his 4 friends who he used to smoke with have all died due to health problems caused by smoking. hes about 55.

also, chicks have a harder time quitting than men, its a fact...so tough it out and quit!

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Cold Turkey is def the best way. Thats how my rents quit when they were in their 20's...and thats how I quit smoking pot. I always would stop for a month, then start again...anyway. I have finally said to myself that I need to stop and I havent blazed in about 1.5 months. It was easier in the beginning cause I always would take breaks for a month. The last 1/2month...I have had some boring nights and I drink a little more now but overall it is better.

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