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Eddie Carlino, I call into question your testicular fortitude (ie manhood)


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IIRC, you have self-pwnt yourself in at least one other thread within the last couple of weeks. For a forum mod, that right there is full of win!

Hey, I am the first to admit when I screw up. :p If the rest of the forum as a whole would do that, there would be no need for a mod. :D

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I'd like to think I remained exactly the same asshole after I found out she was female as before. I try to be as gender-neutral as possible, when I'm being a shower of cunts.

Too bad so many {censored}nuggets were clamoring for tits. She was a decent forumite.

Voltaire was a girl? :eek: Big surprise.

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Here's what happened:

Jon ( Soulfly38 at the ESP Board ) bought an LTD EC-400 from Carlino. Carlino took Jon's $600, and as with all LTDs, waited until the shipment of EC-400s came in stock. When they did, Carlino told Jon that they weren't the right color, and that he'd have to wait for the next shipment.

Fast forward about a year and a half later. Jon threatens to sue Carlino for theft and contacts the BBB, and Carlino finally returns the money. This is after 1.5 YEARS of trying to get in touch with him. Carlino wouldn't answer the phone or any emails until Jon had to send a letter from his attorney, certified, delivery confirmation mail. There's more to it but I can't remember it exactly and I would rather omit details than say incorrect ones.

Dean gets involved when Jon starts to warn other forums that Carlino actively sells on. The Dean Forum is one of those. He goes there, posts his story, and surprisingly quite a few people reported similar experience. In a matter of days the post is deleted.

Dean Guitars forum policy is now "Anyone that talks bad about any Dean dealer gets permabanned".

In other words, Dean Guitars were actively trying to cover up and prevent awareness that one of their dealers is a thief!



Wow, sounds a lot like what I went through with him except I only waited about 6 months then I did a chargeback.

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