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Mahogany Acoustics


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I recently picked up a 1983 Takamine EF349 in a pawn shop. It's all mahogany (all laminate) with the Takamine built-in electronics. Has a surprisingly good acoustic sound, plays like butter, and sounds great plugged in. It's now my beater acoustic to take into the bars where the "beer in the soundhole" factor is high. And best of all I got it for $160 bucks.

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Originally posted by jadedlikeme

So I went hunting for my first acoustic today. Hit two Sam Ash's in my area -- at the last one I noticed a Washburn WD18SW and decided to give it a try. Well, I fell in love with the tone and I think it's because of the Sapele (african mahogany) top, sides and back. Man it just sounded good, nice sustain, loud projection, rich tone. Maybe I'm just used to my mahogany body electric but I like that tone.

Also found that the satin finished guitars sound better than the heavy thick lacquer finished ones. So I will stay away from those.

Before I settle on the WD18SW, who else makes solid mahogany acoustics??

I'll probably be hitting Guitar Center tomorrow and continue the search.




Not sure what your price range is, but if it's in the neighborhood of the Washburn WD18SW's cost, I think you should go for it - especially if you fell in love with it, 'cause that's the only important thing. For an all solid wood guitar, I have to say the guitar you've fallen in love with seems like a pretty unbelievable deal. If you're up to spending at least twice as much, maybe take a look at a Martin DM or Larrivee D-03...


Have to say that I agree with you in general about satin finish vs. gloss. I hate gloss, although I have to admit that for me, this is less a question of sound than of aesthetic idiosyncrasy... Good luck in your search!

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Originally posted by opencee

I have seen, and heard, those Washburn's in a Sam Ash store. They were the most unique and interesting sounding guitars in the cheaper guitar room. I think they are a great value.

I have an all-mahogany Martin 000-15. It gets 99% of the playing time in a 5 guitar house. The sound is soooo sweet. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Everybody that hears it loves it.

If you really enjoy that all-mahogany sound, as many of us do, you are in luck. Mahogany topped guitars tend to be quite a bit cheaper than their spruce topped counterparts. Talk about win-win!!!!

I bought mine without regard to price or brand. I am at a point in my life that I have the means to buy some of the things I want. I shopped for a guitar that would really move me. I never thought that it would only cost $550 (with HSC) to be that moved. (They are now a little more expensive than when I bought.)

Look into the Martin 15 & 17 series. They are just great. Sizes are 00, 000, D, and Jumbo. There are even some 12-fretters, and 12-strings in there. Check the reviews on the Unofficial Martin Guitar Forum (UMGF) or the Harmony Central Guitar Database. I think Larivee has an all mahogany parlor guitar.

You could also buy that Washburn and have one of the coolest sounding guitars on the block. (I once suggsted this to someone on the UMGF and everyone there started squawking. Some of them have brand issues.)

The 00-15, the D-15, and the 000-15, like mine, will cost you about double the Washburn price. Try them all. You be the judge.

By the way, mahogany topped guitars have a very interesting history. Do some Google. Have fun. Let us know what you decide.



Good advice. Play the Martins and the Washburn side by side and decide. A mahogany acoustic is a great addition to a collection.

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