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Problems with my Tacoma - Advice Needed


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So I bought this really nice Tacoma guitar in 2001 and since then it's been my primary gigging and recording guitar. However, the other day while writing, I notice that there's this inch long bubble in the lacquer where the binding on the top meets the sides. So then I start looking all over the guitar and I notice that it's happening everywhere, like the lacquer isn't sticking to the wood or the binding. I really start scrutinizing the thing and find a big crack in the binding on the bottom guitar, right where the pickup jack/strap button is. I treat this guitar like a newborn, so I don't know how that crack could've happened.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I've talked to the store I bought it from, a local luthier, and someone from Tacoma Guitar (now owned by Fender). The luthier says to fix it, they'd have to strip the finish off to get it right---may as well replace the guitar. So I'm wondering, anybody else out there have this problem with a guitar and how did it get resolved? Tacoma has this warranty called "Lifetime Plus", but I'm not quite sure how this is going to work. They're supposed to call me tomorrow.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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I bought a DM18 from ebay from 2001 and have the exact same problem. It is so clear that the finish is bubbling everywhere and he sold it to me as "near mint." I had to pay import duties and shipping, so it wasn't even worth sending it back. Total misrepresented the auction. Anyway, the guitars from 2001 are notorious for this problem from what I've read. Nothing much you can do except live with it or hopefully have Tacoma fix it for free. I still like the guitar a lot and it sounds great.

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Call Tacoma---it sounds like they should know about this problem already, and most reputable builders will take care of this for free.


Taylor fixed my friend's W15 for free---his binding started to seperate from the body.

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Does anybody have a read on what type of finishes the larger manufacturer's are using? I know that Larrivee uses a polyester based product and I know you can't use nitrocellulose in California due to environmental protection laws but that's about all I know. I'm hearing more and more nightmare finishing stories lately. I'm guessing it's because these new-fangled finishes that are supposed to be superior to the old nitro finishes are not surviving the test of time. Thoughts?

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Thanks for the advice all!


My Tacoma is an ER22C --- gorgeous guitar, plays and sounds great. I talked to a Tacoma rep this morning and he's having me bring it to the nearest Fender Service Center and having them ship it to be refinished under warranty. Hopefully that won't take too much away from the voice of this guitar. So far, everyone I've talked to---especially my guitar shop---have been great about it. The rep from Tacoma was great too and he really seemed to respect the artist/instrument relationship, even through I probably harped about it for half an hour on the phone. It's tough because I've gigged and recorded frequently with this guitar and sending it to some unknown place to be stripped and redone makes me feel a bit naseous. Oh well---maybe it'll come back even better!


Until then, I just dropped some tax refund money on a Blueridge I've been eyeing for a while. Needed something as a backup...

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"Until then, I just dropped some tax refund money on a Blueridge I've been eyeing for a while. Needed something as a backup..."


I KNEW there was a silver lining!


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I now have 3 good contacts at FMIC and Tacoma and all have assured me that Fender is serious about the Tacoma label. The new website is finally up and so far Fender is taking good care of customers and they seem ready to re-finish these guitars.


Summer NAMM promises to bring glory back to the label!


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