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Acoustic/Electric ideas?


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Hey guys! First post in this forum.


I'm not sure if this belongs in the electric guitar forum, but i think it could go in either.


I love playing guitar, i've been playing for about four months and my current setup is squier strat --> mesa boogie studio 22.


I'm having a blast and practice anywhere from 30-60 minutes a day... more on weekends if i have nothing to do.


Anyway, i'm in high school and still live with my parents, and i'm really pissing them off practicing during the school week... On weekends its cool but they don't like it on school days.


I have about 160 bucks in my pocket and could probably borrow like 100 more and pay it off pretty easily. I'm looking to buy an acoustic/electric or a semi hollow electric, best bang for the buck. Used is cool. Comments, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Sorry for the lengthy post :)

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I just bought an Ibanez Artcore semihollow with a bigsby style bridge for $340 brand new.... Great guitar ... Lots of fun to play. I took it with me to work last weekend. I work w/ only one other person on the weekend, and the semi-hollow was quiet enough that i could sit in my little cube and play when it wasnt' busy.


Love it!!!

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Kona has an entire line of great acoustics and acoustic/electrics that can be had new for $150.00 or less.


I'll get flamed for this, but some of them blow away certain Taylors and Martins.

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Originally posted by PowerTube

Kona has an entire line of great acoustics and acoustic/electrics that can be had
for $150.00 or less.

I'll get flamed for this, but some of them blow away certain Taylors and Martins.



everyone has their own tastes and opinions so i don't see why any mature or at least reasonable person couldn't realize that rather than flaming you. personally, i have only played on one kona and it was a k2. i didn't like it better than any of the taylors or martins i've played on. but then again i didn't expect to for the price paid.


in his price range, i was also thinking of kona. in particular i'd say the kona k2 thinbody. especially since you're an electric player. it's very decent considering the price. i've played some all laminate guitars twice the price that aren't any better.

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but my wife chose an Ibanez PF5CE ($279.00 on sale at Guitar Center) over a couple of higher priced Ovations, a jumbo?? Suziki, & a couple of other brands that I don't remember.

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Sounds to me as if you need something you can play unplugged on weeknights so as to not rile the parents. Therefore, the recomendation of semi-hollows and other basically electric guitars you still need to plug into your amp will not solve your problem.


I would recommend you get a straight acoustic. You can always add a pickup later when you have saved up a bit more. Unless you play lots of stuff way up the neck, there is no need for a cutaway--just adds to your cost.


In the $250 range, you are fortunate these days as there are a number of servicable options. Washburn, Seagull, Kona and a number of other manufacturers make quite playable and "decent" sounding guitars in this range. For opinions, do a search on this forum for "cheap acoustic" etc.--keep searching. Then go to your local store and PLAY as many of them as you can...different guitars of the same exact model will have some that are OK and some that stink. Call it luck of the build.


Also look at the used market, as you will be be able to buy something that may have already depreciated just because it was purchased by someone else and carried out of a store.


Shoot for something that has a solid top (vs. laminate), as such guitars tend to project (and sound) better. This will help you enjoy your playing much more.


Finally, IMO, learning guitar on the acoustic is a GREAT way to learn any genre of music. It will force you to become more proficient at your fingering, bar chords etc. You will find it difficult vs. your electric at first, but once you get the hang of it, your electric will feel super easy to play - and you've just improved a ton! Plus, an acoustic can go with you and be played anywhere - and playing with other people is another way to really grow in your music.


Good Luck!

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Thanks for all the replies guys!


buying a straight out acoustic does seem like a good idea... i've been thinking about that too.


I just find it such a shame to spend money on a guitar that i can't use with my amp :(


i have been thinking that i might just spend a few bucks on a headphone converter for my amp and save up a bunch of money this summer and buy a gibson ES335 type guitar... i've seen some of the lower models go for about 700 bucks on ebay which I might be able to do...


I also would rather spend 700 on a gibson than 300-400 on a ibanez... just because I'd feel more comfortable with the superior overall quality. The artcore model does seem really cool however, so its a tough choice. I'm going to ask my teacher about this (who plays both electric and acoustic).



Anyway, thanks alot for the advice.


Any more comments are also appreciated.

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Id be checking on Ebay and look for and Alvarez AD60ck...They are a great guitar for the money.....the newer one have a great on board eq system and you can with a little patience Im sure you'll be able to get one on Ebay in the 200. to 250. range... Good luck with the hunt...


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