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Do it yourself cutaway. All suggestions welcome


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:confused: :confused: :confused:


Ya know, I kinda remember seeing a post like this once. The guy was actually serious! :rolleyes:


My favorite was a post by somebody who wanted to put a tremelo (Floyd Rose type) on an acoustic so he could play heavy metal on it. :confused:

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Just move the bridge over to the side, then you won't have to reach over the upper bout to press the strings down. Problem solved.

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My favorite was a post by somebody who wanted to put a tremelo (Floyd Rose type) on an acoustic so he could play heavy metal on it.



I used to teach guitar at Paragon Music center in Tampa Florida in the mid 90's. There was --no joke-- a neon pink acoustic with a tremelo on it! I never really bothered trying it out or anything...Wish I would have...

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Originally posted by catdaddy

With an 18 inch chain saw, 3 yards of duct tape and a ball peen hammer a person can accomplish just about anything:D



If you don't have the right tool for the job... use the biggest wrong tool you can find.

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And, by the time all is said and done - none of it worth while, quick or satisfying - it's cheaper to buy one, a choice set of darts, and then curse the guy/company who made it with each throw. That seems to be a much more satisfying method of hating cutaways than to do the work yourself and then hate yourself for it. I mean, if you're going to set your face on fire don't beat it out with a trackshoe.

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Originally posted by digitalsnipe

And, by the time all is said and done - none of it worth while, quick or satisfying - it's cheaper to buy one, a choice set of darts, and then curse the guy/company who made it with each throw. That seems to be a much more satisfying method of hating cutaways than to do the work yourself and then hate yourself for it. I mean, if you're going to set your face on fire don't beat it out with a trackshoe.

"Hating" cutaways?


I like the "whiteout" suggestion best, like an imaginary cutaway, or an existensial cutaway. It's there, but it is'nt there, but it's there, but it is'nt there...

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Originally posted by t60 fan

Exis - what?

Is that anything like trying to dig half a hole?





Existentialism...sounds like JT might be acquainted with Jean Paul Sarte? Or, perhaps Tim Allen: "Am I Really Here?" A philosophy questioning existence. Read about it, but, are you really reading about it...et al...ad nauseum. I prefer Stoicism. Prevents Existentialism and GAS.

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Originally posted by JasmineTea

Not Tim Allen, Woody Allen.





That fits. Just his looks suggest his philosophy. "Am I Really Here" is a book written by Tim Allen. I see it on the "reduced" shelf at book stores all the time.

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I read something by Sartre about 20 years ago, I like Candide by Voltaire way better. But don't get the impression I'm well-read, {censored}, I can hardly spell.


...best of all possible worlds...

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Just the fact that you are aware, or even partially informed of such people and their musings is walking 3 feet higher than most people I know or are acquainted with these days. I'm pseudo myself but it's unusal to even hear of such things in idle conversation anymore. The current American dumb-down movement has been very successful. The educational system can be proud of that. They don't take pride in anything else so if failure is their only claim far be it for me to take that away. Everyone has to be good at something.


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