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left or right?


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When I began playing guitar, I was worried about my left hand (I'm right-handed by the way), not particularly paying attention to my right hand (picking hand). I always assumed that the left fretting-hand was the one that was more difficult to master.


Boy, was I wrong. The more I play, the more I discover that it's the right hand that's causing the most problems.........

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Then again are those people with extremly good cordnation that play righty when they're a lefty. Rik Emment and Glen Campell play righty but are both lefties. How cool is this,to have your dominent hand on the fretboard?

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that's pretty cool

i hear switching hands you use in things like music-or just writing-can activate different parts of your brain and help you learn


just a thought

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Originally posted by d03nut

When I began playing guitar, I was worried about my left hand (I'm right-handed by the way), not particularly paying attention to my right hand (picking hand). I always assumed that the left fretting-hand was the one that was more difficult to master.

Boy, was I wrong. The more I play, the more I discover that it's the right hand that's causing the most problems.........



Man, that just about sums up a nice critique of my own guitar playing experience; trials and tribulations! One of these days my right hand is gonna start doin' what I tell it to...maybe:mad:

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For the multi-instrumentalists out there:


I'm thinking of maybe experimenting a little playing the keys, would I encounter a similar learning curve then?

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Originally posted by d03nut

For the multi-instrumentalists out there:

I'm thinking of maybe experimenting a little playing the keys, would I encounter a similar learning curve then?

Not talking classical piano, but I'm a convincing pianist. Anyone who's heard me thought it was my main instrument. Truth is I can only play in a few keys. IMO, with piano the right hand does more work than the left. The left mainly holds down the bass. Give it a go, there's nothing like slamming a Bb minor with the low bass notes on a concert grand.


Right vs left on guitar: The way I look it, the fretting hand is the thought, the strumming hand is the thought articulated.

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My left hand reverberates

As my right "articulates"

To get forumites to participate

My words must exaggerate


And so my browser navigates

As the earth rotates

The new year at this rate

Is only an hour away mate


What are we doing here?


Happy new year.



p.s. sucky rhymes due to time constraints, yeah.......

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Ladies and genrlemwen, i've had my share of scotsh tonihgt, not to mentiom clove cigarettes and warm handshakes generously handed out by those who ...you know, have generouse handshakes to hand out..


So as the night winds on,and I'm winding out, I wind up my alarm clock for another year, and another alarm.


so, how

's the weather?


you did'nt know it, but I did.

I watched untill the sun hid.

But I did'nt know it then,

i knew it later.

much later, witch was too much later turnd ouy to be like a ufo landing, coming in for lunch and then unlanding, you know, like taking off acxept backwords.

But don't worry about it.

f*ck the fifties.


Last edited by JasmineTea on 01-01-2006 at 09:52 AM

Last edited by JasmineTea on 01-01-2006 at 09:53 AM

Last edited by JasmineTea on 01-01-2006 at 09:54 AM

Last edited by JasmineTea on 01-01-2006 at 09:55 AM


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