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left or right hand guitar


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Hi, my goal this year is learn how to play guitar. now whenever i listen to music and pretend playing, i always play lefty. before i tried how to learn and since there's only right hand guitars availabe, i tried practing with my right hand. now i have my first guitar(right hand), but i feel like i could better with left and feel like i could learn more faster. what is important, your hand that has more strenght to do the chords or strike the strings?

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Originally posted by artisleag

what is important, your hand that has more strenght to do the chords or strike the strings?

Both are equaly important. My advice would be to learn right-handed. I've known a few lefty's and all they ever do is complain about not being able to find a guitar they like, so they end up settling for something that they kind-of-like because it's the best thing they can find.

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it's an equation. for me the difficulty of keeping rhythm with my right hand strumming outweighed the disadvantage of less guitar selection. my son is also left-handed but he seems to have no trouble chording and strumming and picking righty. we each have different levels of ability with each hand. righty is obviously more convenient, but for me it didn't feel natural. lefty may have no advantages--but it still may be the best way for you.
age is clearly a factor. if i was a teen-ager, i'd certainly want to be able to pick up any guitar and play it, particlarly when i'm in a dorm room looking to impress a girl. but i wasn't playing guitqar in college so i lost out on that particular advantage.
but three are decent left-handed guitars in just about all price ranges, you just have to wait a little longer sometimes. and you'll have to get to her to your room to her you play.
i bought an estaban guitar on ebay for about $12 and reversed the strings. when i realized it worked better for me, i began playing lefty for good.

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the thing is that i bought a fender guitar that's available for right and left handed with a left handed about $10 more. a friend told me that a good guitar is one with a solid spruce top and that's what i got.


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