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String (not fret) buzz on new resonator?


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Hi All,


Got my beautiful, quality, amazing-sounding Liberty resonator today (lot of buzz- the good kind-on this site about Liberty) and I just can't put it down. I'd call in sick tomorrow if I had any days left.


Just one small problem - the b string buzzes some when played unfretted with a pick, only in the area between the bottom of the neck and the top of the cone. I know from his rep for excellent customer service that Bill Blue at Liberty would probably want me to send it back for adjustment....wonder if I can take care of this myself.


Other particulars: Spider bridge arrangement with ebony on



Looks like the string groove on the ebony is

cut about twice as deep as the one for the

high e


Martin medium gague phosphor strings (b is




Thanks for any feedback.

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Check all the cover plate screws for tightness. Try pressing on the plate in various spots to dampen the buzz - then figure out what is causing it. I'm assuming it is a wood body - are the little sound hole covers tight (they press in)?


Spider bridges frequently rattle when the legs of the spider don't fit perfectly onto the cone. you can bend down a leg that is too high or lightly file one that is too low. You will have to open the guitar to check this - don't know if you want to do this.


Another source of rattles it the tail piece - I had to put a small piece of foam rubber under mine to keep the ball ends of strings from rattling on the cover plate. I sounds like yours is between the cover and neck however.


I use mediums on both my resonators (one spider and one biscuit) and the string slots look a bit big for the stings. Seems to work OK tho. Some day you might want to try an unwound 3rd too - I perfer it on my spider for slide.


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