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finger pluckers unite under 1 thread!


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Due to sheer lazziness - I am a natural finger picker ... when you run out of picks in the middle of the night ... the father of invention along with mother nature take over. Cut out plastic or cardboard don't get it.


I can not be alone at this! We are a unique bunch .... finger nails cut to the quick on fret hand and nails on the plucker side of the buisness.


Who of you can give me websites for more insites?

Who knows where sample styles can be downloaded?


and remember to cut the plucking pinky nail - don't want to scratch or scuff our sound board like our guitar cousins.




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One good place to check out is acousticmusicresource.com

There you'll find practice material (for sale), as well as CDs and DVDs of various players. It's definitely worth a look.

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Man - here's to hopin' you guys have some idea how much this means! havin' more fun then a buck deer come ruttin' season! I hope others are getting something from this string.

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+1 on the APM link. LittleBrother was formerly a mod here but moved on to greener pastures and set up a few ventures in the process, including APM. The guy is a fount of helpful information and I've seen him post quick tutorial videos for folks who have emailed or posted questions to him.

BTW, I see that you're in southern Ohio. Have you ever been to Fur Peace Ranch? I haven't but I've heard of their seminars from other forum members at APM.

Finally, if you must check out a fingerpicker once in your lifetime you must see Tommy Emmanuel. He performs/teaches at Fur Peace Ranch every so often.

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the artist that has a style I wish to adopt is Phil Keaggy.
you can read a little about him at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Keaggy

getting any lessons ... not so easy. some pieces of his work are available here: http://www.olsonguitars.com/soundbites.html

he has a fan club and there is some tab books available ... i have just discovered it and need to look into it - i learned to play guitar, piano and tuba reading sheet music ...

now that I have returned to my first loved hobby (music) I need to pick up tab .... it sure is easier.

there is also a sound I have heard before .... like the right hand is sweeping the strings (with some picking) and has hand tapping on the sound board ... harmonics inlayed sometimes into the expresisons. and, now that I have butchered someones hard work ...

do any names come to mind? if so please pass along.

and Hudman, .... I'll bet ya sound damb good to.

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Count me in. Only did a little fingerpicking here and there in the past, and basically played my acoustic like an electric, except more strummy. Since I became obsessed with the guitar again last summer, I have gravitated towards strictly fingerpicking on the acoustic. Playing mostly old-time blues and folk. Its a whole new world for me.


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