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recommend me a mandolin

Bucky Dude

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hey thanks guys


you guys did such a good job recommending the Larrivee/K&K pure western...


I thought I enlist your help in selecting a mandolin.

Want an acoustic/electric, F style, I will play it alot unplugged so I would like it to sound decent acoustically

Would be nice find one under $600 new or used




Bucky G

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Originally posted by JasmineTea

Not F style, but in your price range. I would'nt mind having one or two of these.





I was bitten by the bug last year, bought a MidMo M3W in April and I don't think I could have made a better choice. I still suck, but man, what a fantastic instrument! The company is great, too. Called with a question, owner answers the phone and was just ridiculously accommodating. I think their warranty policy extends only to the original customer, but the word is MidMo's tendency when they receive a mando in need of repair they just do it - have done this three or four owners into the life of the instrument at their own expense. I'm not making guarantees for the company, but I believe the stories. ***You can buy direct from MidMo, but it seems like they sell at list so it may actually be cheaper to go through a secondary seller.


Re. F style, if you shop around I think you'll discover that it's extremely difficult or impossible to find a decent f-style mando for under a grand. The operative word is "decent." They can definitely be found, but you'll be compromising some quality for aesthetics. If it must be F style, I'd suggest taking a look at the Eastman line.


I'd also suggest putting your question to the people at the Mandolin Cafe:


Try the message board from the main page. You'll usually get some good advice from these people.

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Washburn M3SWE.

Or, you could get a Fishman archtop mandolin pick-up, like I did. Then, you'll have the freedom to choose from any acoustic mandolin you like.:)

WARNING: The mandolin is a gateway drug which may in time, lead to really horrible fiddle playing! :freak:

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Thanks guys!

I followed that link to the mandolincafe
Lot of good info, turns out the one I was going to buy got less than complimentary reviews.
Looks like I need to part with a little more cash to get what I'm looking for.

You saved me some money and grief... again

Thanks :cool:


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