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What Percentage...

Inigo Montoya

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...of your life would you say is devoted to the guitar? Say you were to add up all the time you spend playing, browsing, shopping, talking, forumizing (new word?), caring for and dreaming about guitars. And if you happen to be a builder, of course you'd want to chuck in that investment as well. Roughly what percentage of your waking life would you say all of it amounts to?


In my case, I'd have to say somewhere damn near 50% of my energy is concentrated in guitar-related stuff. And I'd only consider myself a hobbyist (not that I wouldn't like to consider myself more than that, but I'm just not that good). I think about guitars at work (at a job totally unrelated to music), on the way to work, on the way home from work, spend an inordinate amount of time browsing luthiers' websites drooling over things I will never be able to afford. As I get older, my daydreaming about guitars seems little by little to be encroaching on the fantasy space that was once reserved entirely for sex (although I was only a hobbyist there as well).


What's your percentage?

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I'd have to say that it's somewhere around 30%, with about 50% divided between family and housekeeping. If I want more guitar time I usually have to take it out of the 20% of remaining time allotted for sleep.


Of course, these numbers are just estimates. I actually spend more time BS'ing about guitars and listening to music than I do actually playing them. That's just because I have to be inspired to pick up my guitar, that's all.

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too much, or not enough........depending on your POV! ;)


I yak on the internet, play in four different musical groups and at open mic blues jams, attend many concerts, and teach. Oh, and that damned day job.......

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Time allocation is an interesting topic. I go through phases where I read and BS here way too much. When I realize that, kinda like now, then I get my instructional dvds and dive in for weeks. Which reminds me that I need to finsh up learning the rest of Black Magic Woman and Black Dog-no relation.

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Hmmm, I teach guitar three nights a week, I typically play out between twice and four times a week depending on the time of the year... I read a lot of music literature, practice about an hour a day, and probably spend another hour a day poking around online, usually about guitars. On the other hand I


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