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Question about an old Alvarez

Marlin in Minn

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I've got an old Avarez 12 string that I've recently started playing as a six string. I won't bore you all with the whole story, but this is a guitar I bought years ago for my brother and it never got played. I got it back a few years ago and its just been setting in its case gathering dust in my basement.


While I was polishing it I noticed that it has the letters S L M on the truss rod cover on the headstock.


I thought that these might stand for the type of wood its made of. Spruce tops are pretty common. M could stand for Mahogany, except I don't see any unless it's the neck.


What would the L stand for? I can't think of any type of wood that starts with L...:confused:


It's a 1977 model 5054 if that helps any.



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Originally posted by kwakatak

Is it the original truss rod cover? I've heard that folks sometimes get custom covers with their initials inlaid on it.


I believe it is the original. The guy I bought it from bought it new, and that wouldn't match his initials.


I thought that it might be the initials of the name of the model, like I've got an Epi that's called a Golden Sunburst. But, I could find any reference to those letters when I googled it.

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Originally posted by Terry Allan Hall

St. Louis Music, the parent company.



Originally posted by kwakatak

*smacks forehead*



Smack my forehead too while you're at it, Kwakatak! :D



I even read the history of Alvarez on their website, and how it belonged to St. Louis Music, but didn't put it together with those initials. :o


Thanks! :thu:

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Originally posted by Freeman Keller

Well, while you guys were posting the correct answer and smacking foreheads, I did find this on the database



Thanks for the link, Freeman. That was interesting to read. I would certainly agree with the opinions on the build quality of these guitars. Mine sat in my Brother's garage for years, exposed to heat and cold, and it is in almost perfect condition. :thu:


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