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Elixirs Suck.


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The PB Nanos go on the 000-18 today, I was thinking about trading up to a 00-18v, but if I put the elixirs on and the git explodes I'll have to buy a new one anyway. Sound clips, reviews and hospital bills to come.

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Originally posted by Whalebot

I was thinking about trading up to a 00-18v



That little git is incredible - the 00-18V. Why thinking already of ditching the 000? Sounded like that one was a keeper.


If you are looking again and you're thinking potentially 00, you should know this thing is out there:



Elixirs... aw, man...

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Originally posted by Whalebot

The PB Nanos go on the 000-18 today, I was thinking about trading up to a 00-18v, but if I put the elixirs on and the git explodes I'll have to buy a new one anyway. Sound clips, reviews and hospital bills to come.


If I ever own another Martin, it'll likely be a 000-18..love those! :thu:

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Gonna head out to Guitar Center tomorrow just for {censored}s and giggles. What strings should I pick up? Squeezed from both sides on this forum between the ESC and the ERC. Thought I'd try some Nanos just to get some first-hand impressions. Tried Polys. Ended up taking them off and re-rigging them as fishing leaders.

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I like Elixcers. I think guys have tried the polywebs which really are a pastic with steel inside.


The NanoWebs I think are excelent. I tried a lot of strings for my first real guitar. None lasted as long, the Elixcers even sounded alot better. I didn't like the Martin SP's.

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Originally posted by guitarist21

Can I be a late addition to the E.S.C.? Because, frankly, I just put some on my Epi and it sounded really weird. I took them off and went back to my Martin SPs.




Your application will go before the membership committee, and if so deemed, they can forward with a recommendation, and request a vote at the next regular monthly club meeting in July.

This allows adequate opportunity to bribe the committee chairman, Board of Directors, Grand Poobah, High Priestess and Imperial Magistrate (and others).

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Originally posted by knockwood

[b Why thinking already of ditching the 000? Sounded like that one was a keeper.

If you are looking again and you're thinking potentially 00, you should know this thing is out there:


I wasn't getting rid of the 000, I like her. I was thinking in addition to. Aint going to happen, just dreamin. And I like the Amberburst UMGF over at MyFavoriteGuitars.com, those are sweet!

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Do you have to hate all Elixirs equally to join the club?


Is it acceptible to just hate polywebs? What about if you hate polys and 80/20 nanos, but really like the PB nanos? Does two out of three count?


Are Elixir nano electrics included in this, too? Is it allowed to like the strings a newly purchased guitar, and then start hating them when you find out they were really Elixir nano electrics?


Also, is membership based on having actually tried them, or are we allowed to have tried, say just the polywebs, and then develop a deep seeded hatred for all Elixirs?


Please clarify. :p

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Originally posted by pipedwho

Do you have to hate all Elixirs equally to join the club?

Is it acceptible to just hate polywebs? What about if you hate polys and 80/20 nanos, but really like the PB nanos? Does two out of three count?

Are Elixir nano electrics included in this, too? Is it allowed to like the strings a newly purchased guitar, and then start hating them when you find out they were really Elixir nano electrics?

Also, is membership based on having actually tried them, or are we allowed to have tried, say just the polywebs, and then develop a deep seeded hatred for all Elixirs?

Please clarify.

God, my head is swimming from all these QUESTIONS!! ..Hmm, let me just get another hit from this J someone handed me here.... Ok, here's my 2%: As far as I can tell, all you realy gotta do to join the E.S.C. is put E.S.C. in your sig. In fact, you don't even have to do that. Just make a derogatory remark about Elixirs every now and then and you're in.


As far as actualy having tried Elixirs or other coated strings in order to make a good sounding argument against them; Does'nt realy matter. See, it's the thought that counts... But OTOH, what the heck, try 'em, see and hear exactly why they suck for your self, send in for an ELIXIRS SUCK T-shirt (only $39.99 and they'er selling like hotcakes) and spread the word.


IMO, the nanos sound a teency bit better than regular coated (whatever they're called) but they're still just as sterile. IMO, of course.

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Originally posted by pipedwho

Do you have to hate all Elixirs equally to join the club?

Is it acceptible to just hate polywebs? What about if you hate polys and 80/20 nanos, but really like the PB nanos? Does two out of three count?

Are Elixir nano electrics included in this, too? Is it allowed to like the strings a newly purchased guitar, and then start hating them when you find out they were really Elixir nano electrics?

Also, is membership based on having actually tried them, or are we allowed to have tried, say just the polywebs, and then develop a deep seeded hatred for all Elixirs?

Please clarify.



Well, you will never be eligible to become an officer in the club, going on record as liking some of their products. And as is always the case, actual familiarity with the object of your hatred is NEVER required. So you never need a reason.

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originally posted by Queequeg


And as is always the case, actual familiarity with the object of your hatred is NEVER required.



As usual, Queg, you have pinned the tail right on this donkey thread. Very impressive.


RT1 :freak:

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well i know elixirs suck... from hands on usage... whatever criteria anybody else wants to use to hate them, i can't argue with them cause the end result is the same...


and this is as good a place as any... but when did we get so busy with life that we have to find a way to make strings last us for a year... even if deep down we know its a sacrifice in tone... :D

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Originally posted by JasmineTea

Just make a derogatory remark about Elixirs every now and then and you're in.

As far as actualy having
Elixirs or other coated strings in order to make a good sounding argument against them; Does'nt realy matter. See, it's the thought that counts...


Elixirs suck! Damn those shedding bastards! :thu:





... secretly runs over and starts stroking a packet of pb nanos ... my preciousss ... my preciousesssss.. :love:

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Call me a freak, but I love 'em! I can't get enough of 'em, in fact! :love:


The only way they could make them better is if they came in different colors with matching fruity flavors!


















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Originally posted by pipedwho

Elixirs suck! Damn those shedding bastards!

... secretly runs over and starts stroking a packet of pb nanos ... my preciousss ... my preciousesssss..



last set on my jumbo, matter of fact the G just snapped and a spare PB is on now.


for personal tastes I'd rather swith strings two or three times for a combined same price and have them peak three times - then have strings that slowly turn into a 60's shagg carpet.


edit: but some folks around here are clearly in the know about acoustics and music and luv'm.

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Originally posted by learn'r

last set on my jumbo, matter of fact the G just snapped and a spare PB is on now.

for personal tastes I'd rather swith strings two or three times for a combined same price and have them peak three times - then have strings that slowly turn into a 60's shagg carpet.

edit: but some folks around here are clearly in the know about acoustics and music and luv'm.



Using Elixirs doesn't completely remove the need to change strings, it just prolongs the 'tone life' of the string. If you're happy with the tone up until a string breaks, then Elixirs probably are not for you!


My regular PBs start sounding dead after a week or two at the most, Elixirs gives me three times that before I change them.


Also, I don't use them on my practice guitars because they get used so often anyway that breakage happens before significant tone loss - I wipe down the strings on those guitars after use too. Sometimes I forget to do that in the aftermath of a gig, and this is where the Elixirs come in handy.

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Originally posted by JasmineTea



You wouldn't happen to be a fan of Schnapps then, would you?


(that's an obscure PUI reference, BTW j/k ;) )

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Originally posted by Queequeg

This allows adequate opportunity to bribe the committee chairman, Board of Directors, Grand Poobah, High Priestess and Imperial Magistrate (and others).


Don't tell but I think I'm going to try and steal the High Priestess's job...:evil:




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