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Humidifier drinks like a fish - problem?


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I bought one of the Planet Waves cello humidifiers for my LaPatrie (like the egg-shaped guitar humidifiers, but larger). The instructions suggest filling it once a month! I usually fill it by letting gravity empty the syringe. When it stops taking water this way I figure it's full.


I play my guitar every evening after work. The humidifier accepts a refill of 8 ml, nearly a full syringe, every single night! I have two hygrometers which show that the RH in the room is 35-39%. The humidifier is not leaking. I have it velcroed to the top of the string compartment -- the TRIC case has a space there next to the neck.


Is this normal humidifier behavior? I don't see how it could hold moisture for a week, much less a month.

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I don't know where you're located, brahmz118, but we're in the throws of a major deep freeze here in Michigan and throughout much of the upper Midwest, and keeping my humidifiers sated has become a full-time job the last few weeks.

In addition to my case soapbox/sponge humidifiers and a couple of Planet Wave jobbies, I have a room humidifier with twin tanks; each holding 1.5 gal and I have to fill one or both of them daily now, and I have to run it on full tilt to keep the RH in the mid-40% range.

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I use 2 Planet Wave guitar humidifiers for my Martin, one in the soundhole, one by the headstock in the case. I fill them every week, they both take at least one full syringe.

I use the plunger and force the water in until they start dripping, then I wipe them off until there're no more drips.

The instruction about filling them once a month is a joke.

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I refill my soundhole humidifier when the humidity level in my case drops below 40 %. It usually takes about 10 days to 2 weeks for that to happen.

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I'm running a room humidifier 24/7. I have to keep it filled twice daily. I works really well but also raises the temp in my guitar room to between 76 and 80 degrees. I worry about this but I can't help it because of the heat pump running for the rest of the house. I even turned the room vent off and it still get that hot. I'm now running a regular house fan to circulate the air.
About all I have been able to maintain is about 42 % humidity.



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