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Anyone see the new Gretch archtop at Musican's Friend?


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At least I think it's archtop. It's got F-holes,looks like the old Harmony guitars for $599. If I was good at cumputer skills I'd post a picture,but since I don't,you'll just have to go there and check it out.

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I'm really tempted to get one,but I'm a guitar lover anyway,they all look good after a while. I never met a guitar I didn't like!

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At least I think it's archtop. It's got F-holes,looks like the old Harmony guitars for $599. If I was good at cumputer skills I'd post a picture,but since I don't,you'll just have to go there and check it out.



The G100 Synchromatic Archtop. The specific details are on Grestch's Web site:




(Not sure if that'll work, though.)


It's a laminate maple body (16" wide / 2.75" deep) with a laminate spruce top.


On one hand, you just can't argue with it based on price alone. We had the cheap archtop thread a few days ago, and nothing was lower than the Loar (about $800-$900). This beats it by 200 clams.


However, you also don't get a solid, carved top.


If I found one for $400, though, it'd be hard to turn away.

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those inlays have michael martin written all over them...

I did miss this thread...y'all are kind to keep me in your thoughts. And yes, those are some bodacious damn inlays on that Gretsch. Fine-looking guitar...except...I know you're gonna think I'm picky--but I always hate it when they don't inlay the first fret--as if it was purely a functional issue. I think it screws up the aesthetics...makes the neck look shamefully unadorned in the area near the nut.

Speaking of inlays, I'll let ya'll know about the resplendently-inlaid Yam cj838s when it arrives. Should be early next week.

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I love the looks of that guitar too, but I'd have to play one in person before I'd consider getting one. I can justify mail-ordering a cheap guitar sign unseen if it's for a pittance like the Rondo Music gypsy guitar, but I don't think I'd cough up six bills for an unknown (so far) all-laminate archtop.

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I have a Kay archtop that has a solid spruce top and laminate maple back and sides. I bought it for 100 bucks. I had to do a neck reset on it though. But it has a great sound.


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