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Loose Nut


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Hello All. I was changing my strings the other day, and the nut popped off. I could see the glue bead that used to hold it on, but I wasn't sure what kind of glue I should use to put it back on with. I thought super glue, but figured it would be too unforgiving. So, I didn't use anything. I just stung it up hoping the tension would keep it in place - it didn't. There is a space between the nut and the fretboard, visible in the pic below. Since then, my tone is really weak, so I figured I would reglue.


I took a look at Freeman's sick guitar thread, but it seemed working with nuts was something best left to the pros. However, I wasn't sure if he was talking about resizing or what. So what would you guys do? Reglue? If so, what kind of glue? Or should I take it to a pro?


Thanks for any input.



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I used carpenters glue (wood glue) to install a new nut a few months ago. A couple drops did the trick.



+1. Dan Erlewine recommends using white glue or hide glue, as it gives you some time before it sets to get the nut placed the way you want it (unlike superglue, which he normally prefers for minor gluing jobs). It also softens easily with heat, making it easier to remove/replace the nut.


One thing, though. The nut slot on your guitar appears as if it might not have been cut precisely; I don't think the nut should fall forward like that (i.e., toward the fretboard) in the slot. It should lie in a shallow channel such that the pressure on the strings normally should hold it in place correctly (even though you still want to glue it in). I don't see an edge delineating the rear edge of your nut slot; in fact, it doesn't even look like a slot. That means the string tension is continuously trying to pull nut toward the fretboard, and it appears there's no rear "edge" to the channel to keep it from leaning toward the fretboard.. My guess is that even after you reglue it, it's going to eventually work it's way out again because it's not really stable in the slot (if there is one). If the slot is cut properly, then maybe the bottom of either the nut or the slot isn't sanded level, so that the nut wants to tilt in the slot. It almost looks as if the nut was glued to the edge of the fretboard rather than the bottom of the slot, and that it's broken away from the fretboard. Bottom line: if it's a decent guitar I'd invest in getting a tech to look at it and possibly rework the slot and/or make a new nut.

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Thanks Hud and Don. I've been thinking of having a bone saddle installed, so I'll take it in and see if I should get a new nut at the same time.

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Thanks Hud and Don. I've been thinking of having a bone saddle installed, so I'll take it in and see if I should get a new nut at the same time.


You are welcome.


Sounds like a good plan. :thu:


Make sure you keep posting. I want to hear how it works out.


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