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why don't classicals have fret markers


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so this guy came round to buy my acoustic and i let him have a go on my classical guitar.


& he says to me "Its got no markers!"


I've got so used to playing without them that I don't even notice this anymore,



but why don't they have markers? :idk:

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cos theyre for noobs. but i still like 'em. I have to put little stickers on my on top of the neck to mark the frets.

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I assume it's traditional. I suspect the earliest guitars/lutes didn't have fret markers and thus classicals don't have them. I have the 7th fret marked on my Pavan with a dot of paint on top of the neck. I intend to add more dots too as it's just easier for me to not get lost on the classical neck. I don't play that guitar as often as my others and given it's scale and wide neck, I just tend not to end up on the right fret sometimes.


Yep, I'm a noob.

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that must be even harder to learn finger placement?



Its really not that bad. I started upright bass in fourth grade and if you really immerse yourself in it for a couple months, it becomes second nature. You use tapes to begin with and then take them off a little later and its all just muscle memory. Same with cello and viola and violin. Probably a little easier if you start young, but still not terribly difficult - I took up cello my senior year of high school.



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Riff, that cat looks intense!


As far as fret markers go, I've had to learn to not look at them. When I first started playing I looked at them all the time. But when I started singing as well it made it difficult to look and keep my big mouth pointed at the mic, so I adapted.

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Real classical guitarists are not sopose to look at the guitar when they play it - they know the fret board and are taught to know where everything is - If you played you steel string like that it would make you a better player -- but in all honesty I cut a black circle out of Electrical tape with a paper punch and marked where my 7th fret is - quite honestly because im not a professional Classical guitarist -- but i sure do love the thing !

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I've noticed that while I don't look knowingly at those markers, that when they're not there I make mistakes every now and then when making big position changes.


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