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Samilyn 7 Days To Go (what are you working on)


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Samilyn, What songs are you working on for the Song Circle mini Gathering at the Coffee Shop???

We have only 7 days to woodshed what we are going to share....


So that any of you Know!!! Samilyn lives yonder up the road from me...

we've PM'd and Emailed each other about a get together and do some Jamin.

Strangely our area seems to be dead in the acoustic music arena.


Well I talked the owners of a new coffee shop to let us do this there at their place...We get the use of the place from 6:30-9:00 on Friday night the 30th to start this off.

I've called a few guitar players and one conga player to set up a song circle of such.


Now the time comes for us to see what will happen in our area in the Acoustic Guitar Scene....


I've been working over a bunch of acoustic standards....You know the just for fun stuff.....


The only "Rule of Order" ~Is Have Fun

"It's all About the Music"


Let us hear from all Y'all, what works at your area Song Circles

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I give up, what's a song circle?


A song cirlce is basically a group of like minded guitarists/musicians get together, play tunes either individually or together. Usually someone starts out a song and if the others know it they can join in. It's basically an informal jam session :)


Instead of having a song circle in their homes some folks have them at coffee shops or pubs. We have one at a local pub on their outdoor patio in the summer time.


It sounds like a excellent idea SteveO :thu: It's a great way to make new friends and share your love of music and guitar.

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Simon, OldGuitarPlayer is right....Song circles are easy'r on people getting together the 1st time or 2 and are more user friendly than say an Open Mic thingy....Besides this way I don't have to schlep my sound system around (PA).....I like to keep it simple

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There is a folk club in my area that does a song circle once a month in someone's home. It's a great time. I'm always surprised at the number of non-musicians that come just to listen.


Scott O

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Hi Steve


So sorry I've been off the forum for a little while and haven't answered your post before now. Spent a few days hibernating in bed trying to get over a rotten case of bronchitis.


I'm looking forward to the song circle and you can bet I'll be there!


I called my daughter-in-law's parents and invited them. Her step-dad plays both 6 and 12 string. I think he's got Ovations, but we'll let him in anyway. ;) I've never heard him play, but the kids say he's very good.


I'm not working on anything in particular. Getting my fingerpicking back up to par and smoothing out chord changes with the likes of "Dust in the Wind", and "Teach Your Children" among others. Just some oldie-easy stuff that most people probably know, mostly folky-country stuff, sprinkled with a little Creedence, Moody Blues, and the like.


Am also making a song list and getting a notebook of lyrics put together. Lots of stuff I remember how to play, but can't remember words to.


We're going to have a great time! See ya Friday. :) :) :)

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I give up, what's a song circle?


And to second what OGT and SteveO said, this is pretty much the equivalent of (in Southern vernacular....)


"jest sittin' on the porch a-pickin' and makin' music." :thu:


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