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Self tuning guitars

Dave W.

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Sweet! Really not so pricey when you think about it at about $600.00, even if you add installation labor costs. With the additional tunings it's like having 6 guitars in one.

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it is an interesting concept- and certainly about time given the state of technology- with a few observations-


it claims that it communicates with the tuner's through the strings themselves- i wonder what effect string type, age and environment might have on it-


is it possible this will find it's way to acoustic guitars? should it? it should be as simple as adding a normal UST pickup now, so why not.


will this be a boon to the guitar industry as a whole and cause an influx of new player's that can either help or hurt the state of the 'art' of guitar as it stands.


obviously this will never make up for an ear for a tune and talent- but it look's like fun-

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There is a rather long video that I found worth watching. Amazing to see it go through different open tunings at the twist of a knob. I am a technology nut, so I find it interesting. See no reason it could not end up on an acoustic. Seems pretty neat for a performer who uses a lot of tunings.

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it could almost be it's own show...


yes indeedy- step right up and see the amazing self tuning guitar-


name a tuning - any tuning and watch it tune right before your very eye's


ahh yes.... 8^)


i would love to give one a go- the only real problem is that it could cut a leo kottke concert in half- 8^)


i wonder when a 12 string version will come to light- now that would be amazing!!!!!!!!!

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I wonder if you could still tune it if your batteries went dead in the middle of a conceart or something.

Neat idea, I guess, but as weird as it sounds (and with me being on a PC), I don't like the idea of having technoloty where it really isn't needed. I mean, a self tuning guitar? It doesn't take that long to tune one. I also have other issues with things like, self closing car trunks and stuff like that. I mean, you're putting stuff in the trunk, than you press a button to close it? I mean, you're standing right there...

I don't know, to each his own, I guess. It's just not for me.


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No thanks, no automatic tuners for me.

Too much technology and gadgetry has invaded too many aspects of my life, supposedly to make same life easier, when in reality the latest-and-greatest goody usually proves to be nothing more than a newfangled PITA that complicates things further.

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The only appeal it holds for me is that it would make alternate tunings much more practical on stage. Only a few seconds to go from standard tuning to, say, open E or drop D? Sweet!

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You know, bsman, reading your reply, than looking at your avitar, well, it gave me a bit of a laugh.


bsman = resident HCAG contrarian... :evil:

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Sweet! Really not so pricey when you think about it at about $600.00, even if you add installation labor costs. With the additional tunings it's like having 6 guitars in one.

I wouldn't mind tuning someones guitar for $600.:)

And what happens when a string breaks...i know it does that too, but you better have a few extra strings handy especially in E...


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