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Gibson Robotic Guitar?


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Has anyone else seen this thing? It's a Les Paul model that tunes itself. You hit a button and strum and you'll see the tunning heads start spinning as it tunes itself. 2200-2500 dollars. Google the video it's kinda neat to watch but I can't help but think who in the hell is going to buy this?


Someone at Gibson didn't think this one through. At 2 Grand their target consumer must be the Pro or very Serious Amateur both of which should have that whole tuning thing well in hand before dropping that kind of money on a guitar.




I stand corrected apparently people are buying these. http://www.ubergizmo.com/15/archives/2007/11/gibson_robot_guitar_selftunes.html Take a look at the comment section. Well like the saying goes there's one born every minute.

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the gee whiz factor is pretty high- you can order the complete retrofit system for about $600 i think- and add it yo your own electric git-


it actually uses the strings to communicate with the tuner's...


interesting for sure- practical? time will tell-



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I happened to be at a music store when the unveiled them (I was looking at an acoustic - really). So I got a chance to look them over and form an opinion. It is a cool guitar, and people are buying them as investments. Laughs, talk about not thinking things through. Never invest in early technology for later resale! the prices are bound to come down, the reliability go up, the electronics get smarter, etc, etc. Imagine trying to sell your "vintage" 286 computer with an authentic Cathode Ray monitor...


It is cool to watch the thing go from standard to alternate tunings, but not worth it to me.

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personnally i think their neater than sliced bread - love the fact you can just turn a button to dadgad -push the button and strum - da da - dadgad, cool -- kinda pricey but a neat gadget ( when are they putting them on Acoustics ?) make them smaller please and put them in the 50-100 dollar range .

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I happened to be at a music store when the unveiled them (I was looking at an acoustic - really). So I got a chance to look them over and form an opinion. It is a cool guitar, and people are buying them as investments. Laughs, talk about not thinking things through. Never invest in early technology for later resale! the prices are bound to come down, the reliability go up, the electronics get smarter, etc, etc. Imagine trying to sell your "vintage" 286 computer with an authentic Cathode Ray monitor...

It is cool to watch the thing go from standard to alternate tunings, but not worth it to me.

'people are buying them as investments'?!?!

umm... how do i SHORT the robotic guitar?!

and how do i short the 'people [who] are buying them as investments'?!

and how do i short the investments of 'people [who] are buying them[robotic guitars] as investments' ??

damn...totamus...ya shoulda cornered these folks and ask them what they are 'investing' in elsewhere in life...espc their stock folio



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Laughs - I am not kidding. On the local craigslist (chicago area) was a guy who had managed to buy several. He was selling them for $5,000 as Limited edition collectors items.

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I think its cool, great idea, needs to be less expensive. And if it catches on, it will be eventually. Good thing you can go into manual when it breaks down.


Totamus, did you get to hold one? I was wondering if they were really top-heavy.



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I was ofrfered, but really didnt have any interest. From the way it is made, I am very doubtfull you would notice any difference in weight. The tuners are not much bigger than a normal tuner.

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So we and our elaborately evolving computers may meet each other halfway. Someday a human being, named perhaps Fred White, may shoot a robot named Pete Something-or-other, which has come out of a General Electric factory, and to his surprise see it weep and bleed. And the dying robot may shoot back and, to its surprise, see a wisp of gray smoke arise from the electric pump that it supposed was Mr. White's beating heart. It would be rather a great moment of truth for both of them.
Philip K. Dick, The Shifting Realities of Phillip K. Dick
US science fiction author (1928 - 1982)

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I like this one better.


"This breakthrough instrument means that guitarists no longer have to drag multiple guitars to a gig to get the right sound for each song, or make audiences suffer through mid-set delays while they re-tune instruments or adjust amp settings. In the studio, the VG Stratocaster is equally advantageous, letting guitarists whip through a collection of breathtaking guitar tones without breaking a sweat."

What!!! No multiple guitars! How dare they! They need to stop this madness.

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I was shown the motorised system fitted to a Strat in my local guitar shop. I could tune to open G faster than the robot and do all the 'sweetening' tweaks which the robot thing can't hear.
It's a stupid, expensive gimmick which will end up in the trash can of bad ideas. I mean, really, what is the point of this? If you can't figure out how to tune to open whatever without this crap you need lessons.

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I was shown the motorised system fitted to a Strat in my local guitar shop. I could tune to open G faster than the robot
do all the 'sweetening' tweaks which the robot thing can't hear.

It's a stupid, expensive gimmick which will end up in the trash can of bad ideas. I mean, really, what is the point of this? If you can't figure out how to tune to open whatever without this crap you need lessons.

+Plus 1,000 :thu:

Are our guitars now going to suffer through the same crap that Organs went through? (automatic, computer generated chords and strums while you play a single note). Hmmm - Guitar Hero may actually be the start....

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I posted a link to it a few weeks ago. From a technology point of view, I think it is quite an accomplishment. I don't really see it as filling a need, just a gadget. I like gadgets. That said, I don't expect to own one, maybe someday.

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I want one for my twelve string. My wife says I spend half my time tuning and half my time playing out of tune.




Which makes me think why not make a guitar that monitors and adjusts if your guitar falls out of tune. New strings? No problem slap them on and play and as they stretch the guitar will adjust. That would actually be useful.

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I want one for my twelve string. My wife says I spend half my time tuning and half my time playing out of tune.

Have one made for you, then if she says something off color,
You could always do to her what Segovia does with all his new guitars.;)


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