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Songwriter - Singer agreement

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Hi, I'm about to work with a singer on a project and I would like to write a legal agreement so everything is clear between us. But I don't know how to write this kind of documents. I don't even know where to look to find relevant examples in google that can apply to my case.


I'll be producing, composing, recording, mixing, arranging the tracks and he will write the lyrics, sing and compose half of the vocal melodies (I'll compose the vocals with him, this will be a 50/50 work). We will both take our fees from the sales of the tracks so what do you think should be a fair repartition between us? 50/50? 60/40? 70/30?


And besides the role and fees of each party, I don't know what other clauses should be added to this agreement, so any input would be appreciated. Maybe you have agreement examples you can show me?



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Legally, a contract can be two sentences written on a napkin. So there's a long answer and a short answer. The long answer would be that a contract like this one needs to cover everything, so if you don't want to pay someone to write it you need to educate yourself, and that means spending more than 5 minutes on Google. (Side note - get GOOD at Google searches. It will make you an invaluable employee somewhere, because 95% of Americans really honestly aren't that good at it.) You want to address sales of recorded work as well as publishing rights, specify that the 50/50 is going to be after all expenses have been paid, specify who designates what the expenses are and who will handle all the monies collected, and so on and so forth. There are tons of good articles online about music royalties.


That's the long answer. The short answer is that a two sentence napkin contract that says "We the undersigned agree that we will split all income after expenses from this work 50/50" will probably work just fine, because this is 2011, and the odds of you making any serious money from a song are very, very bad.

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^"he's a cruel man, but fair"


pretty much a great thumbnail...so, let's have a look. I appears from your premise you are going to do more than he/she is, as far as after the song is written, correct?


Splitting the songwriting rights 50/50 is reasonable.

Those other aspects need to be addressed in such a way that you don't feel you are' being taken advantage of', so you will have to determine a value of those services as you go and account them as expenses. Said value of those additional services need to be paid before the 50/50 part goes in...or you calculate a gross percentage value of those services.

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Splitting the songwriting rights 50/50 is reasonable.

Those other aspects need to be addressed in such a way that you don't feel you are' being taken advantage of', so you will have to determine a value of those services as you go and account them as expenses. Said value of those additional services need to be paid before the 50/50 part goes in...or you calculate a gross percentage value of those services.



I think you're spot on, giving 50% of the rights and billing for the other services I provide is the right way to go. Thanks for the suggestion. Do you know where I could find examples of such agreements?

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sorry, not ight off teh top of my head. I wouldn't get too worried about the verbiage, just write up what makes sense to you and your associate, and sign it in the presence of a Notary Public. :wave:


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